- Protection and popularization of the cultural heritage in the Republic of Macedonia (IX-XIX Century)
- Presentation of the cultural heritage from the medieval and later period through appropriate forms and media
- Reanimation of the traditional art techniques and authentic artistic expression
- Promotion of methods of conservations from certain art techniques
- Establishment of regional and international cooperation for coordination of the efforts of investigators and experts from different countries of the region
- Improvement of the communication among the people of different national and religious profile, creators and users of culture, art and traditional values built in the cultural matrix of the Balkans’ region
- Promotion of the consciousness for the significance of the cultural heritage for the historical and cultural identity of the different people and the region as a whole
The above-determined objectives will be realized through the
following activities: |
- Analysis of the condition of the cultural heritage in the Republic
of Macedonia through valorization as well as categorization of
the monuments in order to determine their value and category, which
will facilitate creation of priority list of the cultural monuments
- Examination of the cultural heritage of the Republic of Macedonia
from the Byzantine and Post-Byzantine epoch, Ottoman cultural milieu
and XIXth Century
- Analysis of the concrete problems of historical and artistic
significance of the monuments and definition of the interventions
of conservation and restoration for their protection as a continual
process of active participation in the preservation of the permanent
values of cultural heritage
- Realization of regional research projects for illumination of
the aspects of the mutual cultural and spiritual heritage, by means
of inclusion of international experts from the Balkans’ territory
Establishment of relations with related centers and institutions
directed towards coordination of standards for terminological compatibility
of the categories of cultural heritage, as a contribution to the
integration of undertaken investigations in the line with the contemporary
trends of international historiography.
- Organization of seminars and other educational forms for training
and improvement of cadres from the field of historical and artistic
disciplines and from the domain of preservation of cultural monuments
aimed towards acquisition and upgrading of knowledge necessary
for immediate preservation of the cultural heritage
- Organization of workshops and schools for certain art techniques in authentic
settings and cultural locations, giving practical and immediate contribution
to improvement of the condition of cultural monuments
- Promotion of cultural tourism as an immediate contribution to
daily existence of cultural monuments and changing of relation
of the population to its own cultural heritage, by its direct embedding
into the culture of living
- Digital and printed publishing for presentation of different
cultural monuments, artistic schools and regional cultural patrimony,
as well as popularization and affirmation of historical and artistic
values of the monuments, which will contribute to enlargement of
the fund of scientific, popular and educative editions on the cultural
heritage from the Republic of Macedonia
- scientific elaboration/ monographs and studies
- publishing popular editions and prospects
- production of educative publications
Zografski 3-b
1000 Skopje Republic of Macedonia
Ňelephone +389 2 735 031 389 70 509 856
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